I believe that the bandwagon appeal would be the most effective out of the appeals that were presented because it promotes the product in a way that allows the intended audience to feel like they are missing out. In other words, the bandwagon would be used to display what they have (traditional camping= cold/damp) to what they could have (glamping= warm, cozy). The families who frequently/nonfrequent go camping can now enjoy and great memorable visions without the memories of the horrible and sleepless nights.

Being aware of who the intended audience and the context influenced our overall approach towards the activity as both gave the group a creative direction yet empowering and influential of the products viewers. I believe that knowing that the target audience was in fact, families allowed the group to come up with ideas in the way we can promote the product. Although, I felt like we needed to portray the context more throughout the presentation. I felt that the campsite (Oregon) was only stated in the introduction and not through each appeal. When regarding Oregon, we chose to use the appropriate text type; a commercial video that would link to the website. We thought that this would have been most effective due to how full the internet can be, therefore having a greater chance of grabbing a wider audience (not only families). This could be extended to travelers, families, school trips for experience, etc.
If I were to complete this presentation again, I would try to be more specific in regards to the appeals because I felt that they were not discussed in full detail asIwould have like to; and communication with the group. This is because there were areas where there was a miscommunication, specifically when discussing the appeals. I chose to present the bandwagon appeal to the audience although I was cut short by one of our teammates because there was minimal communication with the group. Regarding the preparation, as a group, we should have been more organized because I felt like we could have performed a more effective presentation if we practiced and understood our appeal.
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