Sunday, 2 October 2016

Blog Post 6 - Practical Consolidation of Language and Identity

 Jessica H
City, State 12345
Jessica H, City, State 12345
City State 12345
October 1st,  2016

To the parents of Harriette Moore,

Let me begin by saying that your daughter has been accepted as part of the Grade 11 community here at Raha. I am writing to inform you that Harriette will contribute to a diverse community with many students from different cultures that speak different languages. Some students are multilingual or bilingual although there is no reason for Harriette to be concerned or nervous. We have heard that you are concerned with the diversity of culture and language, as Harriette has been brought up in a homogenous monolingual community. I am happy to say that there is need to worry as there are many students within her grade level who have gone through the same phase as Harriette and are looking forward to making Harriette fit right into the community with ease.

As for your own comfort, I would like to give you an insight of what your daughter will be apart of throughout her days here at Raha. As you may know already, Language is the centre of a culture, of which defines one's identity, and Harriette is one of many students who has been brought up in a homogeneous monolingual setting. It may be a different environment than what she has been settled in, in the past although Harriette will be able to express her cultural identity with others and even vice-versa. As Raha has over 75 different nationalities, there are many students even in her grade level that she may have a cultural bond with, meaning that she will feel more comfortable and have a sense of belonging in her own cultural environment.

Language, culture, and identity have an important relationship with each other as "Language is fundamental to cultural identity"(1). Without a language, one's culture isn't fully expressed and cannot be transmitted down from generation to generation. On the other hand without culture, a language cannot be presented. Meaning that the relationship between culture and language is that they rely on each other to fully function as one setting. Language builds up culture, Culture builds up a language. Cultural and Linguistic systems do in fact shape an individual as in this case, Harriette was brought up in a cultural and linguistic setting that evolved her to be the woman she is today. She may have personal traits of her own that may have been influenced by her culture and where she was brought up. This is what makes her unique in a way and specifically, it allows her to be a representation of her cultural heritage.  Same for many students, they are all brought up in their own cultural heritage and are always sharing their background and what makes them different, what similarities they may have. This may not just mean their personalities but it can mean the language they speak, what their cultures have in common. I believe that this will allow Harriette to express herself to the community and enhance her confidence to speak out and settle in into her new setting.

I hope that this has given you more awareness of what Harriette will look forward to in her new environment. If you have further questions or concerns, feel free to email me.

Yours Sincerely,

Jessica Hilu

Work Cited Page:
1) "Racismnoway." The Importance of Culture, Language and Identity. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2016.
2) "Exploring the Relationship between Language, Culture and Identity." N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Oct. 2016.


  1. Your practical task shows a good understanding of the conventions of this text type; you apply them effectively with this piece of writing. An area for you to focus on with your upcoming written task is the authenticity of your author's voice and clear sense of purpose. The way you addressed the parents' fears and apprehension sounded very realistic, but when you transitioned to discuss ideas related to the topic of language and identity, your writing sounded overly academic and was not consistent with the perspective you were originally writing from. This was a good first attempt at showing critical engagement in a creative way.

  2. Hi Jess, I love how you took the task and moulded it in a way that you felt would be good to craft it in. I believe that the overall register you adopted throughout the letter is appropriate to what the task demands as a "formal letter." Furthermore, the manner in which you respond to potential questions/concerns by using well-curated phrases like, "As for your own comfort," denotes your understanding of the conventions of a formal letter. In terms of the content of the letter itself, you have clearly conveyed your message of providing the parents with an overview of the Raha community and the diversity it fosters. Well done Jess!!

  3. Hey Jess, you have done a great job at this practical especially when this is our first draft at trying to replicate texts. You clearly have done your research on not only the text type but also the topic you are discussing. I like how you continue to relate to the reader's realistic concerns and reassure them of how this will help their daughter. Your text also made some excellent points about culture and language and how being around this environment will help her grow as an individual.

  4. Hey Jessica
    You have clearly showed a good understanding about how language shapes your identity. Although, the conventions of a formal letter wasn't as consistent. However, your overall letter showed your creativity in the convention of pretending to be someone 'formal'.

  5. Hey Jessica
    You have clearly showed a good understanding about how language shapes your identity. Although, the conventions of a formal letter wasn't as consistent. However, your overall letter showed your creativity in the convention of pretending to be someone 'formal'.

  6. Hi Jess, this was a well written formal letter and I enjoyed reading it. You show a thorough understanding on the topic as well as the conventions of a formal letter. This practical consolidation was structured appropriately, allowing to communicate your main ideas to your intended audience. Overall, you have conveyed the relationships between language and identity thoroughly within this practical consolidation. Well done!
