Sunday 4 September 2016

Blog Post 1 - About Me

Who am I ? My name is Jessica Hilu Aka. Jessie or Jess, quite a few nicknames to choose from I would say. I have been living in the Middle East my entire life even though my nationality is British. I sure have a strange and wonderful family as we were all brought up in different countries in Europe and Asia. The funny thing is that I haven't lived or have been educated in the U.K like my parents were brought up. You could say that I have many nationalities like Welsh, Lebanese, a little Irish, and a little German. Well to be honest its quite confusing as both of my parents are Welsh, yet their parents are Irish, German, Welsh and Lebanese.

I LOVE SPORTS !! My interests would be every to do with sports, just sports, sports and more sports. Is there a sport that i haven't played before ? well I don't know that answer myself but I have played a variety of sports from water sports, land sports and even sports played on ice. Well, I still working on that last one. I enjoy and consider netball my main sport and my main interest. It's a passion of mine and it has been passed down from generation to generation. My only question that I have about this sport is Why isn't Netball a sport that no one has heard of before? And when people ask me What is Netball ? I literally just state: " It's like Basketball, but its even more challenging" You can't move with the ball in your hand, there is no backboard like in basketball, and the hoop that you shoot into is smaller than a basketball hoop. In other words "It's 'similar' to basketball"

Its a long story to how I started netball, but I can tell you how I began to take an interest. I can remember looking at my mother's school photo's and stumbled upon this one image. This image was my mother in the Netball team playing as GA (Goal Attack), sitting on the first row, on the left hand corner in her red and navy blue uniform when she was 14 years old. From that moment, like all daughters/sons, I wanted to be like my mother. When I liked in Dubai, I moved to Uptown Primary School and participated in a variety of sports teams, including swimming, netball and even football. Although netball was different, I didn't have anyone from my grade level on the team as there was a netball team for my age. I ended up trying out and joining the Under 13 Netball team when I was only in 7. I only stayed in Uptown for a year before I came to Raha International School. In Grade 5 through till grade 11 I have and currently participated on the Raha U14 and U16 teams. Throughout my journey, I have proudly been achieved with an MVP (most valuable player) and have been captain for the U16 netball team for two years running.

It's quite surprising that as an IB student, you tend to have some free time. When we have the opportunity to have time to ourselves we tend to complain about how we don't have or have enough time to ourselves. But I consider playing a sport as my stress reliever when I don't have a lot of time to myself. I definitely wouldn't consider myself a reader even though on the occasional day I also enjoy reading in my free time, although the only issue when it comes to reading books is that not a lot of books interest me, and this is why I only read occasionally. When I do decide to read, the only books that I tend to hook onto would be fictional books that have a storyline that would/could happen in reality. Other fictional books that are about adventure that tend to hook other readers, I can't seem to stay interested when I read them. You can say that I am very picky when it comes to reading.. 

To me, the question " what things do you care about?" was a challenging question to answer because there are a lot of things that I care about including the people around me (Family and Friends), school and my education as well as my own health. These three things are something that you normally don't think about, you just know that you care about them as you see your family and friends everyday, you work as hard as you can during school and I take care of my own health by participating in a sports activity or going cycling around YAS Track. I consider this as my everyday routine. Family and friends are one of the things I care about because they are the people that keep my motivated throughout everything I do. I also care about my schooling and my education because it's a major priority when it comes to being successful in the future. As I can hopefully achieve the IB Diploma points that I need to go to the University that I have always wanted to go to and to become the person I wanted to be "when I grow up..." I am motivated to follow my dreams to go into the medical field. I also care about my health because it is good for you to be fit and exercise on occasions to keep yourself healthy.

Making goals for myself was a lot to think about as there can be a lot of things to consider. Although I thought that it would be best to stick with the goals that I will personally need to allow myself to become and achieve academically as well as socially the more motivated to achieve more in life. These would include:
> Be successful in my academics, specifically trying to achieve at least a 34 overall in the I.B system.
> Challenge myself, trying to push myself and challenge myself into doing things that i wouldn't normally do.
> In the future, my goal would be not to think things twice when it comes to activity challenges and be a risk-taker, "Just do it.". 


  1. Jess, I really like how you have structured your blog as the systematic layout makes it easy for one to follow the written content. I also agree with your statement concerning fictional books with realistic plots as I too am an avid reader but often have trouble picking up a good book that genuinely intrigues me. Furthermore, it is admirable how you have shared your passions and goals as this allows us to better understand your great personality. I look forward to reading more of your blogposts.

  2. Jess, I absolutely enjoyed reading your first blog. I truly relate to your statement that your family "are the people that keep my motivated throughout everything i do.". It's very inspiring that your interest in sports has been passed down from generation to generation. One question I'd like to ask is, even though English is your first language, have you ever felt excluded because of language/culture barriers? Keep up the good work!

  3. Whoa Jess! This was a very detailed introductory post and a pleasure to read. I agree that even though English is predominantly the language of communication in Abu Dhabi there are circumstances where you can feel excluded from a conversation as an English speaker. I hope that you find an opportunity to relate some of what you are passionate about in this course. If not the language of sport in this unit, maybe you will be able to focus your FOA presentation on something relating to sport in the media in our next unit.
