Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Blog Post 24-Thesis statement and Three Topic Sentence

The personal history of an author can have a significant influence on the way meaning is constructed in his/her writing. Comment on specific instances of such influence in Things Fall Apart. 

Thesis Statement: Chinua Achebe was a part of the first generation of Nigerians that benefitted from colonisation, however, valued their cultural traditions. This must be considered as an influence on the way Things Fall Apart was written as it allows the audience to communicate the understanding of colonisation.

Topic Sentence:

Achebe uses the secondary character, Mr. brown; to portray how cooperative the missionaries were to compensate both the Christian culture as well as the Igbo culture.

The use of secondary characters have influenced the way the audience interprets the colonisation; specifically when Achebe is trying to create a balance like through the characterisation of Mr. Smith, an extremist who is characterised as a very demanding character.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Blog Post 23- Thesis statement + Outline

With reference to the novel Things Fall Apart, gender is a driving factor that influences the audiences' interpretation of the Igbo culture and its hierarchy; explicitly based on the gender roles that are portrayed through primary and secondary characters.

Paragraph 1: Chinua Achebe uses the characteristics of dominance and submissive traits to justify the ideology of gender roles within the Igbo culture.

Paragraph 2: Things Fall Apart provides an overall understanding of how gender has a major influence on social and cultural power; meaning that Achebe provides the standard ideology that a male portrays dominance and stands higher in power than a woman figure.

Paragraph 3: Achebe uses the character; Ezinma to convey how the cultural boundaries affect the evolvement of the female; Ezinma.